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Tuesday 19 June 2012

Rainbow colored are dreams

Rainbow colored are dreams, multi-colored are plans..
plans, plans, so many are plans,
plans, plans, ours are plans,
every heart's intentions are like a head massage,
but the ways to destination are like tangled hair,
keep in the pockets, plans are combs..

we'll see tomorrow tomorrow only, whatever happpens, will see,
we won't move at all from our intentions whatever happpens, will see,
the morale that is cold, we'll heat it up (like on a stove or something, physically)
we'll touch the up-moving sun and heat up,
what's tension, it's just lines on the forehead,
problems are solved only with carefree smiles,
try, try, plans are good..

since childhood we listen to 'knowledge': don't think life is easy,
what's the hurry, take it easy a little,
we agree there are hopes from future,
(but) why not live the life that is there today,
we'll wash the stains of trouble with hardwork,
there's no less enthusiasm, we'll open all the taps,
try, try, plans are tanks..

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