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Monday 16 January 2012

color of love

The ways of the world have changed so much
but the color of love has not changed
The tradition of faith is just like that
It has been the same for centuries
And that too is the madness of love
O beloved, talk a little about love yourself
Speak, beloved, my beloved...
Dearest companion, this love is my excuse for living
This love is a beautiful dream, dearest companion
Come with me, dearest companion
Like the earth moving into the sky
like a mountain joined with the clouds
we shall somehow disappear into the mist; come
Saved from the eyes of the world
having hidden in the eyes of one another
Let's pass two moments in secret
Speak, beloved, my beloved...
The ways of the world have changed so much
but the color of love has not changed
The tradition of faith is just like that
It has been the same for centuries
And that too is the madness of love
O beloved, talk a little about love yourself
This has been the way of it for centuries
Whenever any heart anywhere has known love
this world has become an enemy
But love has never feared wickedness
It selflessly placed its head on swords
Chains were also broken, and the world was defeated as well.
We too will brandish the banner of faith
so long as we shall live, you and I
Speak, beloved, my beloved...
The ways of the world have changed so much
but the color of love has not changed
The tradition of faith is just like that
It has been the same for centuries
And that too is the madness of love
O beloved, talk a little about love yourself
Speak, beloved, my beloved...


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