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Tuesday 10 January 2012

Somewhere we have to find a new way to peace

When the moon, the sun, and the thousands of stars are all yours
then for what reason do clashes (fights) happen?
lines have been drawn on the ground but don’t draw them, see [that]
between two hearts there are these walls.
anywhere in the world, anyone
would tremble from pain, then we here
recognise his pain and
our own heart also becomes heavy and our eyes cry.
What are u waiting for another day another dawn,
Somewhere we have to find a new way to peace
What are you waiting for another sign another call,
Somewhere we have to find a new way to peace!!!
why does distance remain in our hearts, why do the distances keep growing
life is lovely, the world is lovely
with great difficulty relationships
are made here but
to break them just takes one moment
love is the medicine for every pain
love is the chain of/between all relationships
love will break all boundaries/limits
love will even destroy the world in one moment
it is love that will give the whole world peace
the whole world’s brilliance is from love…


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